Entertainment (the film)

Armando’s second film production, Entertainment tells the story of an aging, broken comedian who’s en route to meet his estranged daughter.

Written and directed by Rick Alverson, Gregg Turkington plays the protagonist in the ironic drama, Entertainment.

Real life comedian Turkington is the character the comedian. With his owl-shaped glasses and his terribly pathetic comb over, the comedian’s jokes are anything but funny and entertaining.

The Comedian spends his time touring the California desert, reciting his grotesque, offensive “what” and “why” jokes at dead-end venues – prisons and small town bars. Alongside is his opening act, was a young clown played by Tye Sheridan from Mud,  equally as inappropriate and brash.

With cameos from John C. Reilly as the comedian’s boisterous cousin, Michael Cera as a desperate hustler, and Lotte Verbeek as the chromatherapist, Entertainment leaves the audience uncomfortably alone to question whether or not we’re all the punchline of some grand cosmic joke.

Officially selected for the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, SXSW film festival, and the New Directors New Films, Entertainment was nominated in two film festivals and won the Junior Jury Award – “Environment is Quality of Life” Prize.

Released January 24, 2015. Available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and digital download.